SPGN Jockey's may carry sponsorship on their breeches - see picture as an example.
The cost of sponsorship is £275 per company and is paid via the Bob Champion Cancer Trust donate page - https://bobchampion.enthuse.com/Donate#!/ ***** Please ensure that SPGN + Jockey Name is used as a reference ******.
Please email info@shetlandponygrandnational.co.uk with your jockey name, pony name and sponsor's name once payment has been made.
All sponsorship must be paid in full to the charity before wearing branded breeches.
You may have up to 4 companies sponsoring your jockey but each company will be required to pay £275.
Sponsorship is only to be worn on breeches, we do not allow any sponsorship on silks.
No tobacco, gambling or alcohol companies are allowed
Please can you ask your sponsors to pay via the Bob Champion Cancer Trust Donate Page linked here https://bobchampion.enthuse.com/Donate#!/